Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Taken From James 1:1-4 ESV


James 1:1-4 ESV

1 James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ,

To the twelve tribes in the Dispersion:


2 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, 3 for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. 4 And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

James 1:1-4 ESV


  I, Jerry Grugin, a sinner and a commoner, a fallen creature, a person who fails often, one who strives for betterment by longing for new knowledge in Christ, one who seeks the integration of Christianity with all endeavors, a man wishing to transmit a message of application, one who seeks to be an angled mirror to reflect God's character out into the world, and a humble servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ,

  To all people, especially the youth, struggling with fear, anger, resentment, and a sense of hopelessness, and especially to those who are oppressed, victimized, or discriminated against, and to those who cannot advocate for themselves,

Hello to all,

  When things happen in this world which test your faith, or when things happen that anger you or hurt you, do not let these things get you down.  Be joyful when these things happen because you know that these things are only temporary.  If you are a cashier at Wal-Mart and a customer curses you or says derogatory comments, ignore the person and be joyful in the Lord.  This kind of thing will not happen in heaven.  If you fall and break your arm or leg, even though you may curse, keep in mind that these kinds of things will not happen in heaven.  Be joyful in the Lord.  If you are a student who has studied and you are confident that you will get an "A," only to receive a "B" or even a "C," be joyful in the Lord.  If you crash your car and total it out, be joyful in the Lord.  After all, you are still alive and life is a gift from God.  Things can be replaced, but people cannot.  If a family member angers you by speaking against you, realize that these things must happen on this earth.  In this world, even families speak against each other.  These things will not happen in heaven.  If someone posts a hurtful Facebook response to your post, then do not reply in anger for all to see.  If your boss seems to have it out for you, say a prayer to the Lord and be joyful.  It is temporary situation on earth.  If you are a youth and are being bullied at school or anywhere else, ignore the bully if you can and let a person of authority like a parent or teacher know about the bullying.  Do not let the bullying get you down.  You can stop the bullying and it is only temporary.  The bullying says much more about the person who is bullying than it does about the person being bullied.  These kinds of things will not happen in heaven.  Further, these kinds of things will be unimportant or non existent in heaven.  The things which test our faith are only temporary.  On this earth, the testing of our faith does not last long.  In heaven, our faith will not be tested.  So, look forward to things that are not of this world.  This world passes by quickly, but heaven lasts forever.  Look up, praise the Lord, and be joyful in the Lord.

  Remember, we will all have trouble in this world.  This is fact.  We cannot escape trouble.  Trouble will find us.  When it does, though, you have to go along with the process in order to learn.  Be joyful in the Lord, though, and remember that in times of trouble which test your faith, you can be a reflection of God's character.  You can maintain a positive attitude and be the better for it.  You can be the one that people notice because of your good actions.  You can be the standout.  A good standout which reflects God's character can be the shining light on a hill, helping to spread God's Kingdom here on this earth.  You can be a light in the darkness, one that spreads a joyful message of Jesus Christ.  So, the testing of your faith is good.  It makes you a better person.

  Remember, if you make a mistake while your faith is being tested, do not use that as an excuse to continue the mistakes.  Pick up and go on with your life and do not repeat the mistake you made while your faith was being tested.  Be joyful in the Lord that you have learned from your mistake.  Even Christians sin and make mistakes.

  If you are not a Christian, and you want to become one, and if you want to change your life, you can do so today.  Sit down, close your eyes and ask Jesus to come into your heart and forgive you for your mistakes.  There is nothing in this world that you have done for which Christ Jesus will not forgive.  Remember, you will still make mistakes as a Christian.  You will still sin against God.  It is the only way to learn and to become more perfect and complete.  You will never reach perfection, but you can strive for it.  This process is how we human beings learn.  When you do fail, be patient with yourself.  Sometimes, learning is a process that takes a very long time. 

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